Depending on your unique business objectives, an event can allow you to demonstrate value to customers or members, provide inspiration to staff or customers and enhance loyalty, or play a critical role in organisational change management projects, such as a transition to digital tools. A workshop or training session can give you the platform to share your expert knowledge, network with members or clients or extend your marketing through providing interesting content, connections and stories to improve brand awareness and credibility.
Why use workshops
There are a multitude of reasons why an organisation might benefit from running a workshop, training or other education event. business2one have delivered a diverse range of workshops for clients, for example:
- Build your Future Workforce workshops – Queensland Trucking Association providing members with ideas, tools and connections to attract school-leavers and graduates to their workforce (Nov 2017)
- Social media for small business workshop– Joining Hands Ambassador program (2017)
- Superhero Tradigital Strategies – “Big Bang ” National Conference (2017)
- NHVR Portal Foundation Training (Online digital platform) – National Heavy VehicleRegulator (2017)
- 10-week Marketing Coaching Package – Training Organisation
- Professional Development Coaching – Fitness Industry
- Personalised LinkedIn Training and Coaching– more than 20 Clients from small-to-medium enterprises to high-level corporate (2012-2017)
- VET4T&LWorkshops (Vocational Education and Training for the Transport and Logistics Industry) – providing industry insight at more than 20 statewide workshops
Make your workshop work for you
- What is the goal?
- Who would you like to attend?
- How will you deliver? Online, face to face, inhouse or a function centre?
- What is important to your audience? Business outcomes, learning, new tools, takeaways?
Get the most out of your workshop
In the heat of the moment, don’t forget to record the event:
- Video
- Photos
- Surveys
- Live stream if possible
- Social media posts – before, during, after
Followup with new contacts and conversations from the day, it is a beginner’s mistake to heave a sigh of relief that the workshop was a success and then move on without closing the loop.
If you haven’t considered using workshops and training events to build your business, this is a business opportunity you are missing.
We can facilitate workshops for your team or present as a guest speaker at your meetings and functions. We also support businesses in training delivery, offering short video production as well as the development of User Guides, online Help Centres and training materials. We have expertise and experience in:
- Training Webinars
- Support Material
- Adobe Captivate
- Software Demonstration
- Guest Speaking
Let us help you make your next workshop or training session a success.